Welcome to our weekly report on emerging substances in Gwent. This report is brought to you by our harm reduction specialist, Gareth, and is based on data gathered by Wedinos, a substance testing service. Our aim is to keep you informed about the substances found in locally purchased items, so you can make safer choices and reduce harm.

Gareth’s Weekly Report

Over the last two weeks, WEDINOS tested several samples from Gwent:

  • Heroin Sample 1: Contained no substances.
  • Heroin Sample 2: Contained Cocaine.
  • Strawberry Tuci: Contained Ketamine, Cocaine, MDMA, and 2C-B. This mix increases the risk of unexpected effects.

Across Britain:

  • Heroin Sample: Contained Metonitazene, increasing the risk of overdose.
  • MANDRAKE (Manchester): Detected yellow and green tablets containing Isotonitazene at the scene of a recent death. These tablets pose a high overdose risk.

Be aware of unexpected effects, use substances with friends, and seek medical help if needed.

Recognising an Overdose

Stay alert for signs such as non-responsiveness, shallow breathing, pale and clammy skin, snoring, blue lips, and a low pulse.

Responding to an Overdose

  1. Place the person in the recovery position.
  2. Dial 999 and request an ambulance; stay with the person.
  3. Use Naloxone; even if you use benzodiazepines. Multiple doses may be necessary.

Testing Your Substances

Knowing what’s in your substances is crucial. You don’t have to provide a sample; we can use your old paraphernalia, such as a used cooker or baggie. To get your substances tested, take your old equipment or a sample to your nearest drug and alcohol service. Stay safe and informed.